This week, we are thrilled to introduce you to Sebastian Morse, one of our 5th graders in Jersey City. Why is he an example to the FAA community?
Last year, when we were launching our partnership with Konekte and the two schools in Haiti, he really became moved by the Haitian children. After listening to the stories of the FAA team members who went to Haiti and seeing the pictures of these schools and students, his heart spoke.
He decided to dedicate his birthday to Konekte, and asked his friends to donate money for Haiti’s kids rather than gifts for him. What a decision for a boy turning 10!! He received the full support of his family and friends and raised more than a $1000! His empathy and action were so commendable that a donor matched the funds raised and the Haitian schools now have $2000 to pay for a teacher for a whole year. And a class of students without the means to afford it can go to school.
Anne Hoppenot, founder of Konekte, and Judy Savary came to our school last Thursday to meet and thank Sebastian. Indeed, it was a very moving celebration for his beautiful initiative.
Sebastian’s story is amazing and can guide us to think about what kindness and compassion means. We hope to tell you more stories like Sebastian’s as we launch a Year of Kindness and Compassion.
Sebastian, what does FAA mean to you?
FAA is a place where we learn. It’s a place where we are kind to each to other and respect each other. I love this place and hope it will never change.
Tell us more about you…
- If you were a city: I’d be Saint Andrews in Canada
- If you were a meal: I love sushi!
- If you were an activity: hockey is my favorite
- If you were an animal: the fox
- If you were a book: I’d be two – The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
What has been your best moment at the school?
I’ve had a lot of great moments. But I think last year’s soccer tournament was my favorite. We worked very hard as a team and we made second place. It was fun and I got to meet Middle Schoolers who I didn’t know.
A second moment also comes to my mind: when I took the DELF exam in 3rd grade! I remember thinking, wow, I am taking an official French exam. I am having a great journey in French as an English speaker.
What is your motto?
Try as hard as you can and never give up.
For more information or donations to Konekte: