Climate Change Awareness
The French American Academy offers an unparalleled Bilingual Curriculum. And environmental science is definitely part of the school’s science curriculum. Students are not only learning about climate change but we also have them engaged in local initiatives that might inspire them to get involved in sustainability projects.
The 6th graders had a Zoom meeting with two educators from the Suez Water Services Company. They learned about how water is important to and affects our weather and climate.
The 7th graders met with Megan Wagner, an educator and member of the Hamilton Park Conservancy. She gave them a tour of the trees in the park and identified diseases and pests that infect the trees and ways the park tries to protect and keep the trees healthy.
The 8th graders visited the FAA plot in the community garden.They identified what plants were growing and took soil samples. Back in the lab they ran tests to determine the pH level, and the amount of moisture, nitrogen, potassium and nitrogen in the soil. They will share their findings with the 3rd graders who are also studying the plant life in the garden.