
Sustainability on Campus

The 17 UN Goals for Sustainable Development are part of our daily life at the French American Academy. Our students, teachers, staff, and parents are actively involved in these 17 interlinked goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.”

One of the first actions covered by our 4th & 5th grade students was to read, understand and rewrite in their own words the 17 goals. Collectively, they have created definitions that can be shared and understood by all our students.

Throughout this year, 4th & 5th graders from both campuses have partnered with the French Lycée in Quito thanks to the project ADN Carbone 0 Junior.

ADN Carbone 0

This project has been initiated by the AEFE to raise awareness, educate, and launch actions around sustainable development. 

The purpose of ADN Carbone 0 is to bring together teachers and their classes of 9th grade or 4th and/or 5th grade (ADN Carbone 0 Junior) from schools of the French educational network abroad, to develop and build together a common educational project. During the last semester, the ADN Carbone 0 program invites the participating classes to mobilize on eco-citizen actions related to the reduction and awareness of carbon emissions generated by digital communications.

The Eco-delegates / Les Éco-délégués

To implement and monitor actions of sustainable development, some determined students stepped up and volunteered to become the classes’ eco-delegates. Today, we have 6 eco-delegates across the 4th to 8th grades whose mission is to communicate their enthusiasm, share their interest, and spark participation among others.


Learning how to talk or debate societal topics is critical to our educational philosophy. Thanks to the ADN Carbone 0 team, our students are participating in small debates kick-started by a single quote chosen by students around the world.
Today, we invite our classes and families to share their opinion on the following message: 

“If you don’t take change by the hand, it will take you by the throat.” – Winston Churchill

Eco-Challenges / Les défis écologiques

Changing our daily routine will require effort. To start and/or continue the process, here are 5 challenges suggested for our community over 5 days:

  • Day 1: I will calculate my carbon footprint
  • Day 2: I will use a non-polluting means of transportation
  • Day 3: I will erase all old emails
  • Day 4: I will not eat meat
  • Day 5: This will be a day with 0 plastic

To read more about each daily challenge, click here!

Are YOU ready for the challenge?

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