
School Community Photo Competition – Illustrating Sustainable Development Goals through Photography

School Community Photo Competition – Illustrating Sustainable Development Goals through Photography

To consolidate its involvement in sustainable development, the French American Academy has entered the AEFE’s PhotODD competition. The word PhotODD is a combination of photo and ODD (Objectif de Développement Durable), the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  The goal of the contest is to produce a series of photographs illustrating the SDGs in the manner of Yann Arthus-Bertrand and to write a text explaining the link between the photo and the SDG.  The contest is intended for the entire school community (students of all ages, families, teaching staff, student life, management, administration, technical staff and partners). 

photo contest

The jury, composed of AEFE pedagogical advisers for the North American zone, will decide on April 21, 2023, the day before Earth Day. They will judge the correspondence of the 17 photos with the associated SDGs, the quality of the text under the photo (explanation of the choice of photo/SDG, history or context of the photo, involvement of the students, etc.). They will also appreciate the diversity of the members of the school community and the disciplines involved or present in the photo, the highlighting of the school, its projects and its members as well as the originality, humor and aesthetics.

You can send us your photos and texts during two periods. During the period of November and December, we will receive the photos for the SDGs 1 to 9, and during the period of January – February, we will receive those for the SDGs 10 to 17

The eco-representatives will choose which of the photos and texts will appear in the school’s slide show in March. You can send us your photos and texts during two periods. During the period of November and December, we will receive the photos for the SDGs 1 to 9, and during the period of January – February, we will receive those for the SDGs 10 to 17. 

The eco-delegates will choose which of the photos and texts will appear in the school’s slide show. They will also organize an exhibition of all the photos received during the sustainable development week in April. 

We hope to see many of your photos in our goals for sustainable development because when a group of minds and hearts work together, great things happen.

All pictures should be sent to tbastide@faacademy.org

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